
  • First Lady Graduate in the island - Priscilla Marshall (1898)
  • First Lady Doctor to obtain the L.R.C.P. & S.(Edinburgh) Nelly R. Jardine (1898)
  • First Guide Company to be formed in Sri Lanka - (1917)
  • First Brownie Company to be formed in Sri Lanka - (1918)
  • First Ranger Company to be formed in Sri Lanka - (1921)
  • First Sri Lankan Guide Captain - Gladys Vanderstraaten (1921)
  • First Guide in Sri Lanka to obtain the 'All round cord'- Gladys Vanderstraaten (1921)
  • First Malay girl to matriculate in Sri Lanka - Moodah Chunchie (1925)
  • First Chinese girl to graduate - Dorothy Angie (1925)
  • First girl in Sri Lanka to be awarded the University Scholarship - Lily Fernando (1926)
  • First Kandyan Lady Graduate and the first to win the 'Tripos' of the Cembridge University - Soma Seneviratne (1927)
  • First girl in Sri Lanka to be trained in Physical Education at Lady Willingdon College - Nora Perera
  • First Sri Lankan Lady to get a Masters Degree in BioChemistry - Ratnabai Arulanaadham (1953)
  • First and only Sri Lankan to obtain a Ph.D. in Human Genetics - Eugene Jayasekera(1968)
  • First Sri Lankan Lady to become a Fellow of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons - Nalini Ekanayake(1976)
  • First Sri Lankan to be elected Secretary of a Y.W.C.A - Margueratie Piachaud
  • First Home Science Inspectress - Lynda Oorloff
  • First Sri Lankan Lady Drughtsman - Stella David
  • First Sri Lankan Lady Auctioneer - Matilda de Silva
  • First Sri Lankan to be trained in the Montesssori System of education and also to establish the first Montesssori School in the island and to obtain a Doctorate in Montesssori Method - Lena Wickremaratne
  • First Sri Lankan Catholic Journalist Nun - Rev. Sister Norberta Wickremaratne
  • First girl acepted from Srilanka to the Y.M.C.A College of Phisical Education - Flora Rajapakse (1947)
  • First Lady to be Precident of a Multi Purpose Co-operative Society - Anula Ellepola Udalagama(1970)
  • -to serve on the National Sports Council,
  • -to serve on the University Council, Peradeniya.
  • First Deputy Director/Administration, Department of Animal Production and Health - Lalitha Dissanayake(1979)
  • First School to introduce Science to the School Curriculum(early 1920s)
  • First School to introduce Domestic Science to the School Curriculum(early 1920s)
  • First School to introduce the House System(1921)
  • First School to introduce the School uniform(1922)
  • First School to introduce the School tie(1922)
  • First School to introduce the School Badge
  • First School to introduce Kandyan Dancing to the School Curriculum(1952)

  • First School to introduce the School Badge
  • First School to introduce the House System ----------------------(1921)
  • First School to introduce the School uniform----------------------(1922)
  • First School to introduce the School tie------------------------------(1922)
  • First Lady Graduate in the island - Priscilla Marshall ------------ (1898)
  • First Lady Doctor Nelly R. Jardine -------------------------------------(1898)
  • First Guide Company to be formed in Sri Lanka ------------------- (1917)
  • First Brownie Company to be formed in Sri Lanka --------------- (1918)
  • First Ranger Company to be formed in Sri Lanka ----------------- (1921)
  • First Sri Lankan Guide Captain - Gladys Vanderstraaten---------(1921)

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